"Good-Doers"/ Proven Performers
One of the most important factors in successful growing of rhododendrons is the selection of varieties which grow and bloom well in the local environment. In the Southeastern U.S., we need plants which can tolerate summer heat, periods of drought, and unseasonal temperature fluctuations. While we are all tempted to try spectacular plants we may have heard of growing in the more "ideal" conditions of the Pacific Northwest, Britain or New Zealand, usually such attempts end in disappointment. Less than 1% of the 20,000 named hybrids and cultivars of rhododendrons have been found to thrive in our environment. ARS chapters in various areas have compiled lists of Proven Performers. This is not a static list, and one of our challenges is to test in our own gardens new hybrids, particularly those developed in our region, or selected forms of species, to add to the "Good Doers" list. The list below is reviewed annually by SE-ARS, and candidates for addition to the list, and sometimes deletion, as well as "Rhododendrons of the Year" are voted on by the chapter members.
"Good Doers" in North Carolina, South Carolina, Eastern Tennessee
(SE-ARS, part of District 10 ARS)
(SE-ARS, part of District 10 ARS)
Click on the names highlighted in Light Grey Type to see images on Hirsutum.info. * Other image sources are linked if not on Hirsutum.
Rhododendrons of the Year
Chapters in various regions submit annually to the ARS selections of the single most outstanding rhododendrons of various categories (elepidote, lepidote, evergreen azalea, deciduous azalea), designated as Rhododendron of the Year. These plants are the best of the good doers/ proven performers.
Copyright © 2014-2025
Southeastern Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, original content on the SE-ARS website is released under a Creative Commons license .https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en |
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