Gibberilic acid treatment of yak seed to increase success of germination
- Gibberilic acid (GBA) powder, may be ordered online from various sources, such as eBay.
- Coffee filter
- Wooden toothpick
- Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
- Sterile (boiled) water
- Small plastic cup (such as a Gatorade measuring cup)
- 1 tsp (5ml) measuring spoon
- Ziplock sandwich bag
- GBA is a naturally occurring organic compound, originally discovered in 1935 in Japan as derived from a fungus infecting rice, causing unhealthy rapid thin spindly growth of the rice plants. More information on GBA.
- For inducing germination, seed contact with the GBA should be temporary. If the GBA is in the seed sowing medium, weak thin spindly growth (like the rice disease) will result (Ticknor).
- GBA is "relatively nontoxic", but be careful and avoid skin or eye contact.
- A excellent study of yak seed germination using GBA, and using some varied techniques from those described above, with the addition of Chlorox treatment, by Russ Gilkey, a longtime member of SE-ARS, can be seen here:
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